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How To Choose Safe And Durable Keyed Padlocks

  1. Which brand of keyed padlocks is better? What types of keyed padlocks are there?

  With the continuous development of society, the functions of keyed padlocks products are becoming more and more diversified, and each lock has different application functions. According to their functions, keyed padlocks can be divided into exterior keyed padlocks (anti-theft locks), room keyed padlocks, hallway locks, and bathroom locks.

  There are many types of keyed padlocks on the market today, with different colors, materials, and functions. Common keyed padlocks include exterior keyed padlocks, spherical locks, handle locks, drawer locks, glass showcase locks, electronic locks, anti-theft locks, bathroom locks, and fingerprint keyed padlocks. Among them, spherical locks and handle locks have the most styles.

  2. How to choose safe and durable keyed padlocks? How to choose keyed padlocks?

  When choosing keyed padlocks, you should pay attention to the following aspects.

  (1) To choose keyed padlocks products of famous brands, you need to see whether the outer layer of the keyed padlocks is smooth and clean and whether any defects affect the appearance.

  (2) Pay attention to selecting a lock that opens in the same direction as the door. Insert the key into the key core hole to open the keyed padlocks, and see if the opening is smooth and sensitive.

  (3) Pay attention to the width of the door frame. The door frame that can be installed with the spherical lock and the handle lock should not be less than 90Cm. You can turn the keyed padlocks handle and knob to see if it is easy to open.

  (4) Usually keyed padlocks are suitable for doors with a thickness of 35-45mm, and some keyed padlocks can even be used for doors with a thickness of 50mm. The extended length of the keyed padlocks should not be too short.

  (5) Some handle locks are divided into the left hand and right hand, please pay attention when purchasing. The way to distinguish whether the handle lock is left-handed or right-handed is very simple: stand on the outside of the door facing the door, the door hinge on the right hand is the right-hand door, and the left hand is the left-hand door.